Marcel Vogel's Groundbreaking Work
at IBM led to 100+ patents.
But his research with crystals is even more amazing as it paved the way for crystal healing.
at IBM led to 100+ patents.
But his research with crystals is even more amazing as it paved the way for crystal healing.
With gratitude to Rumi Da, a spiritual friend, mentor and colleague of Marcel Vogel (1917 - 1991), without whose assistance and permissions this archive of Vogel Crystal knowledge would not be possible.
This 132-page Crystal Knowledge Workbook was provided to participants in Marcel Vogel's crystal healing workshops. It has never before been published. Through a series of fortunate coincidences, it found its way to us. We share it here in its entirety.
Dr. Vogel loved to help others learn! Although his laboratory contained an impressive collection of state-of-the-art equipment, many of his experiments with crystals, plants and mind power can be duplicated at home.
This workbook contains 51 experiments designed by Dr. Vogel for at-home learning. Many have been published in Psychic Research Inc. newsletters. Most serve not only to teach fundamental principles of energy work, but are also worthwhile ends in themselves - such as #18, "Modifying the Taste of Foods with the Healing Crystal", or #22, "Clearing an Illness from a Distance".
Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing, worked closely with Marcel Vogel to develop Pranic Healing crystals.
This website preserves a large body of information about Vogel Crystals, also known as Vogel-Cut Crystals, and their many uses. It focuses specifically on healing, with many details on how to best use Vogel Crystals. It was developed as a service to healers everywhere who use single or double-terminated crystals based upon the Vogel-Cut design.
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